About Us

At AurabyJM.com we are passionate about making products of outstanding quality and great craftsmanship. We set out to build a luxury brand promising to place FAIRNESS at the centre of everything we do. From the way we source for raw materials, to how we process and bring finished products to the market place. We are mindful to give high considerations to environmental, social and ecological factors, whilst following ethical manufacturing processes.

We also strongly believe that luxury products should go with great customer care. Our aim is to make our customers feel special when they receive our products. You will not only get products of outstanding quality and style, you will find that we pay attention to every little detail including in packaging and presentation. Being fair with our customers also means we are able to offer our luxury products without the usual extortionate price tags.

We also care a great deal about our staff. Our business ethos of fairness ensures they are properly remunerated, and will continue to carry out their duties under respectable working conditions. Our highly competent and motivated team will always ably support our products with excellent customer care.

Finally, we are fair in our dealings with our artisans and independent suppliers. We believe that a good brand need not take undue advantage of its independent suppliers and partners to succeed.

At AurabyJM we want to keep doing things differently. We want you to help us grow.